Photo-Poetry Book

Selling the Light – Photographs and Poems


Catia Montagna and Andy Jackson

Whaleback City Press (In Press)

This is a collaboration with Andy Jackson.

Andy is an award-winning poet and editor, and is author of three poetry collections including A Beginner’s Guide To Cheating and The Saints Are Coming

On special offer for one week only:

buy seven days, get seven nights.

The future will soon be back in stock,

in various colours, most of them bright.

Today we sold the last of the dark.

Tomorrow we start selling the light.

Two’s company. Three is civil unrest.

We have proof. We have figures.

Stay calm. Do not attempt to run.


Papers must be shown on request,

and if you cannot feel the trigger

perhaps it is we who hold the gun.


I spent my life looking

for a way up, lurking 

in damp lobbies, daring

myself to climb, fearing

footsteps, the echoing

voices of those going 

in faith, each landing

a beginning, an ending.